
Concept, Artistic Direction and Curation, 2019 – 2021, Vienna, Austria

On a general, my artistic and curatorial practise  is focused around questioning the Eurocentric ways of perceiving, producing and consuming. To promote the visibility and the rights of LGBTIQ+ Africans and Africans in Diaspora can be easily spotted as the defining moment in my artistic and curatorial work as well as my activism respectively.

WIENWOCHE 2019 celebrates all bitches & witches, who fight against toxic power and dominance structures, who identify politics which oppress and exclude and carry out queer feminist and anti-racist work, which changes, challenges and leaves an impression on the city of Vienna.

POWER AND PRIVILEGE reflects intersectional queer-feminist criticisms to othering and normality. From September 11th to 20th, WIENWOCHE will use its POWER AND PRIVILEGE through its carefully selected projects to artistically show and reflect how ideas of power, privilege and patriarchy intersect and shape institutional forms, practices and epistemologies.

The projects question normality from different angles and deal with utopias and dystopias, posthumans, gender and queer feminism, artificial intelligence and ecosystems, living together, subversive survival tactics and sustainability, solidarity and racism, as well as political participation and social engagement in a digital age.